Clinical Station in the Covid adapted examination was modified and divided into EXTENDED CLINICAL STATION & SHORT CLINICAL STATIONS.

With improving Covid situation Clinical Examination is reverting back to previous format. EXTENDED CLINICAL STATION is dropped from Malaysia & UAE diets and reverted back to FOUR Clinical Stations of 13 minutes each. Each Station has the ‘Domain’ sign posted i.e. CVS, Respiratory, CNS etc. We are NOT sure of the format for UK diets as of now.

At present there are NO CHILDREN at the Clinical Stations. A video & Audio provide Universal cues.

EXTENDED CLINICAL STATION: ONE ExCS replaces 2 Clinical Stations and is now a ‘double’ station. It is a more fair representation of how we assess a child referred for our care. We are provided with some background referring information. We then take a focused history eliciting salient points to support our working differential diagnosis. This is then followed by a General Physical examination followed by a focused systemic examination. Only at this stage are we ready to investigate and organize a MAnagement plan. This is exactly how the Extended Clinical is organized. Covid adaptation – making the examination VIRTUAL or even if FACE TO FACE DO NOT have CHILDREN in the exam. You WILL not be EXAMINING a child BUT are required to TALK through your EXAMINATION to the EXAMINER who provides CUES – UNIVERSAL & DEPENDENT’. You summarize to the examiner and Discuss your history, physical signs – Positive & Negative, Differential diagnosis, Investigations and finally the Management plan.

CLINICAL STATION: TWO in the examination circuit. Any ‘Systemic Examination’ can be encountered: CVS, Respiratory, Abdomen, CNS, Cranial Nerves, MSK and local regional eg: Examination of Neck – Goitre.

We practice both Stations.